Integrating PayHere with your iOS Mobile App is super easy with our PayHere iOS SDK. You just have to include that in your Xcode project & call its methods to initiate a payment & fetch the payment status just after the payment. The beauty is, this iOS SDK allows you to accept a payment within your app, without redirecting your app user to the web browser.
Please refer the below steps to integrate PayHere iOS SDK to your iOS App.
1. Install CocoaPods for PayHere
Install CocoaPods dependency manager.
$ gem install cocoapods
Specify PayHere in your Podfile.
source ''
platform :ios, '11.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'payHereSDK'
Then run following command.
$ pod install
2. Import PayHere Mobile SDK
Import PayHere Mobile SDK into your UIViewController.
import payHereSDK
3. Initiate a Payment Request to PayHere Payment Gateway
a. One-time Payment Request
let merchantID = ""
let item = Item(id: "item_1", name: "Item 1", quantity: 1, amount: 50.0)
let initRequest = PHInitialRequest(
merchantID: merchantID,
notifyURL: "",
firstName: "Pay",
lastName: "Here",
email: "[email protected]",
phone: "+9477123456",
address: "Colombo",
city: "Colombo",
country: "Sri Lanka",
orderID: "001",
itemsDescription: "PayHere SDK Sample",
itemsMap: [item],
currency: .LKR,
amount: 50.00,
deliveryAddress: "",
deliveryCity: "",
deliveryCountry: "",
custom1: "custom 01",
custom2: "custom 02"
PHPrecentController.precent(from: self, withInitRequest: initRequest, delegate: self)
b. Recurring Payment Request
let merchantID = ""
let item = Item(id: "item_1", name: "Item 1", quantity: 1, amount: 50.0)
let initRequest = PHInitialRequest(
merchantID: merchantID,
notifyURL: "",
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
email: "",
phone: "",
address: "",
city: "",
country: "",
orderID: "002",
itemsDescription: "",
itemsMap: [item1],
currency: .LKR,
amount: 60.50,
deliveryAddress: "",
deliveryCity: "",
deliveryCountry: "",
custom1: "",
custom2: "",
startupFee: 0.0,
recurrence: .Month(duration: 2),
duration: .Forver
PHPrecentController.precent(from: self, withInitRequest: initRequest, delegate: self)
c. Pre-approval Request
let merchantID = ""
let item = Item(id: "item_1", name: "Item 1", quantity: 1, amount: 50.0)
let initRequest = PHInitialRequest(
merchantID: merchantID,
notifyURL: "",
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
email: "",
phone: "",
address: "",
city: "",
country: "",
orderID: "001",
itemsDescription: "",
itemsMap: [item1],
currency: .LKR,
custom1: "",
custom2: ""
PHPrecentController.precent(from: self, withInitRequest: initRequest, delegate: self)
d. Hold-on-card Request
let merchantID = ""
let item = Item(id: "item_1", name: "Item 1", quantity: 1, amount: 50.0)
let initRequest = PHInitialRequest(
merchantID: merchandID,
notifyURL: "",
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
email: "",
phone: "",
address: "",
city: "",
country: "",
orderID: "",
itemsDescription: "",
itemsMap: [item1,item2],
currency: .LKR,
amount: 0.0,
deliveryAddress: "",
deliveryCity: "",
deliveryCountry: "",
custom1: "",
custom2: "",
isHoldOnCardEnabled: true
PHPrecentController.precent(from: self, withInitRequest: initRequest, delegate: self)
4. Fetch the Payment Status
Example code shown below.
extension ViewController : PHViewControllerDelegate{
func onErrorReceived(error: Error) {
print("✋ Error",error)
func onResponseReceived(response: PHResponse<Any>?) {
guard let response = response else {
print("Could not receive payment response")
guard let resp = response.getData() as? payHereSDK.StatusResponse else{
print("Payment Success")
print("Payment Status", resp.status ?? -1)
print("Message", resp.message ?? "Unknown Message")
print("Payment No", resp.paymentNo ?? -1.0)
print("Payment Amount", resp.price ?? -1.0)
print("Payment Error", response.getMessage() ?? "Unknown Message")